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Health industry-specific inspectors for WorkSafe Victoria

Health industry-specific inspectors for WorkSafe Victoria

St Vincent’s Private nurses and midwives to escalate action – campaign update #14
Industrial action

St Vincent’s Private nurses and midwives to escalate action – campaign update #14

Public sector mental health campaign update #3: Progress on bargaining and ANMF member endorsement of application for Protected Industrial Action
EBA bargaining

Public sector mental health campaign update #3: Progress on bargaining and ANMF member endorsement of application for Protected Industrial Action

In our private EBA era: hundreds of St Vincent’s Private Hospitals nurses and midwives stop work for safe staffing. They are not the only ones…
Industrial action

In our private EBA era: hundreds of St Vincent’s Private Hospitals nurses and midwives stop work for safe staffing. They are not the only ones…

Let’s do it again! St Vincent’s Private Hospitals members to stop work on Thursday 5 December – campaign update #13
Industrial action

Let’s do it again! St Vincent’s Private Hospitals members to stop work on Thursday 5 December – campaign update #13

Reporting OVA incidents: it’s got to be done!

Reporting OVA incidents: it’s got to be done!

Public mental health nurses and Forensicare EBA bargaining continues
EBA bargaining

Public mental health nurses and Forensicare EBA bargaining continues

City of Boroondara maternal and child health and immunisation nurses win better deal
EBA bargaining

City of Boroondara maternal and child health and immunisation nurses win better deal

The power to win equal pay – summing up ANMF’s recent pay wins for nurses, midwives and carers
Fair Work Commission

The power to win equal pay – summing up ANMF’s recent pay wins for nurses, midwives and carers

Public mental health nurses EBA bargaining update: ANMF is on the road during October
EBA bargaining

Public mental health nurses EBA bargaining update: ANMF is on the road during October

Inquiry into workplace surveillance: ANMF (Vic Branch) submission

Inquiry into workplace surveillance: ANMF (Vic Branch) submission

‘We’re at a tipping point with psychosocial hazards’ – Professor Niki Ellis, workplace stressbuster

‘We’re at a tipping point with psychosocial hazards’ – Professor Niki Ellis, workplace stressbuster

Bolton Clarke EBA win – vote YES
EBA bargaining

Bolton Clarke EBA win – vote YES

Bolton Clarke members should vote NO to stop their employer’s desperate efforts to short-change them
EBA bargaining

Bolton Clarke members should vote NO to stop their employer’s desperate efforts to short-change them

St Vincent’s Private EBA negotiations: the good, the bad and the next steps
EBA bargaining

St Vincent’s Private EBA negotiations: the good, the bad and the next steps

10 years on: ANMF’s 10-Point Plan to end violence and aggression – how it started vs how it’s going

10 years on: ANMF’s 10-Point Plan to end violence and aggression – how it started vs how it’s going

Boroondara MCH and immunisation nurses begin industrial action
EBA bargaining

Boroondara MCH and immunisation nurses begin industrial action

Bolton Clarke members: fighting back against employer exploitation
Industrial action

Bolton Clarke members: fighting back against employer exploitation

Emergency Triage Education Kit – second edition now available
Patient safety

Emergency Triage Education Kit – second edition now available

26 June statewide members meeting photo gallery
EBA bargaining

26 June statewide members meeting photo gallery