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COVID-19 Newsflash #71 – Third vaccination update, elective surgery limits, and code brown to end

COVID-19 Newsflash #71 – Third vaccination update, elective surgery limits, and code brown to end

COVID-19 Newsflash #70 – New deadline for required third vaccination

COVID-19 Newsflash #70 – New deadline for required third vaccination

ANMF joins fight for COVID-19 vaccine patent waivers

ANMF joins fight for COVID-19 vaccine patent waivers

COVID-19 Newsflash #58 COVID-19 vaccination directive issued – all healthcare settings

COVID-19 Newsflash #58 COVID-19 vaccination directive issued – all healthcare settings

COVID-19 Newsflash #57 ANMF calls for calm and outstanding aged care vaccination rates

COVID-19 Newsflash #57 ANMF calls for calm and outstanding aged care vaccination rates

COVID-19 Newsflash #55 Priority Pfizer vaccination for healthcare workers’ household contacts

COVID-19 Newsflash #55 Priority Pfizer vaccination for healthcare workers’ household contacts

COVID-19 Newsflash #54 ANMF strongly advocating for members as surge plans implemented

COVID-19 Newsflash #54 ANMF strongly advocating for members as surge plans implemented

COVID-19 Newsflash #53 Support your colleagues, aged care vaccination and calls for new modelling

COVID-19 Newsflash #53 Support your colleagues, aged care vaccination and calls for new modelling

COVID-19 newsflash #52: Vaccine webinars for nurses, midwives and personal care workers;  all Victorian health services move to COVID PEAK highest risk rating

COVID-19 newsflash #52: Vaccine webinars for nurses, midwives and personal care workers; all Victorian health services move to COVID PEAK highest risk rating

COVID-19 newsflash #51: Vaccination blitz for aged care nurses and personal care workers and the latest COVID-19 vaccine information

COVID-19 newsflash #51: Vaccination blitz for aged care nurses and personal care workers and the latest COVID-19 vaccine information

COVID-19 newsflash #50 restrictions and aged care nurses and carer vaccination rate

COVID-19 newsflash #50 restrictions and aged care nurses and carer vaccination rate

Calls for nurse practitioners to be utilised in COVID vaccination roll-out
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Calls for nurse practitioners to be utilised in COVID vaccination roll-out

Stop blaming aged care workers for government failures on vaccines – providers and unions unite
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Stop blaming aged care workers for government failures on vaccines – providers and unions unite

Still many questions over mandatory aged care vaccinations
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Still many questions over mandatory aged care vaccinations

COVID-19 newsflash #41: community transmission – a timely prompt to vaccinate
Workplace issues

COVID-19 newsflash #41: community transmission – a timely prompt to vaccinate

COVID-19 newsflash #40 Metropolitan Melbourne health services move to amber alert

COVID-19 newsflash #40 Metropolitan Melbourne health services move to amber alert

COVID-19 newsflash #39: COVID-19 vaccination rollout update

COVID-19 newsflash #39: COVID-19 vaccination rollout update

COVID-19 newsflash #38: COVID-19 vaccination rollout update

COVID-19 newsflash #38: COVID-19 vaccination rollout update

COVID-19 newsflash #37: COVID-19 vaccination update

COVID-19 newsflash #37: COVID-19 vaccination update

COVID-19 newsflash #36: COVID-19 vaccines and your AHPRA and NMBA obligations

COVID-19 newsflash #36: COVID-19 vaccines and your AHPRA and NMBA obligations