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Public sector EBA update #12: Public sector protected industrial action ballot delayed opening until 5pm Wed 17 April

Public sector EBA update #12: Public sector protected industrial action ballot delayed opening until 5pm Wed 17 April

Public sector protected industrial action ballot – delayed opening until 5pm today, Wednesday 17 April 2024

Members have reported to ANMF:

  1. some issues with the ballot emails that we have asked the independent ballot agent to fix, for example instead of stating your employer’s name it may state ‘health service aged care’
  2. some employers have blocked emails from the ballot agent despite Fair Work Commission Orders to ensure this did not occur
  3. some employers did not distribute the voting instructions provided by VERO despite the Orders requiring them to do so
  4. lists provided by some employers were not capable of being fully matched with the ANMF provided lists – it is anticipated that this will be addressed this morning.

The delay in opening is necessary to address these unforeseen issues.

The ballot will now open at 5pm (AEST) Wednesday 17 April and closes 5pm (AEST) Monday 29 April.

Independent Fair Work Commission-approved ballot agent Vero is managing the electronic ballot.

ANMF members rejected the government’s previous settlement offer, and there is no further offer to consider at this time. This ballot is to enable members to take legally protected industrial action, if needed, to secure an improved and acceptable offer.


ANMF is recommending all public sector members VOTE YES in the ballot.

A yes vote will give members the opportunity to take protected industrial action in the future as determined by statewide members meetings.

A yes vote will strengthen public sector nurses’ and midwives’ collective bargaining ability in their 2024 EBA negotiations for improved wages, allowances, entitlements and working conditions.

Remember you are not voting to take industrial action, you are only voting for the legal right to take protected industrial action at a later date.

It is important all members vote in the ballot

There are 106 separate ballots – a ballot for each employer. For a successful ballot, the Fair Work Act requires us to meet two hurdles:

  1. 50% plus one of ANMF members at each public sector employer must vote in the ballot
  2. more than 50% of those members who vote in the ballot must VOTE YES.

Who can vote in the ballot?

To determine the eligible voters, Vero has compared a list of all ANMF members and a list of all employees who will be covered by the Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) Single Interest Employers) Enterprise Agreement 2024-28).

Eligible voters are those members on both lists.

If you do not receive the How to Vote email from Vero by Wednesday 17 April at 5pm please read our frequently asked ballot list questions to see if you may still be eligible.

Please note if you are an agency nurse or an agency midwife working in a public sector healthcare service, you are not eligible to vote as you not employed by the health service, but by the agency. 

How do I vote?

  1. Eligible members either have been or will be sent information about how to vote and the voting link for their employer by the ballot agent – Vero.
  2. Enter your Vero-provided randomly-generated password* (check your VERO information sheet email)
  3. Scroll to read the entire question (which will list all of the forms of action) and select YES and submit.

For further information please read the attached VOTE YES poster.

When will we know the ballot result?

The ballot outcome will be announced at the ANMF public sector statewide members meeting, Tuesday 30 April, 2pm-3.30pm at Moonee Vallee Racecourse. Register for the meeting

Are you a Job Rep?

Job Reps please print and display the VOTE YES poster on your workplace noticeboard.
