All ANMF Job Reps and HSRs are encouraged to access the free training program developed specifically for your role. If you haven’t yet attended Job Rep or HSR training or have not participated for three years or more, we strongly encourage you to register for one of our Job Rep or HSR training programs below.
Depending on your EBA, Job Reps may be eligible to receive paid union training leave from your employer to participate in these programs. If there is no entitlement and your employer won’t provide paid training leave, you may be eligible to apply for an ANMF ‘loss of pay’ subsidy when taking leave without pay to attend. Once registered, you’ll be provided with written confirmation, and a letter to be forwarded to your NUM/MUM/Line Manager requesting leave to participate in union training.
For maximum accessibility, training programs are offered in Melbourne, regional areas and online.
Travelling for training?
Reps travelling to Melbourne for training can now book into ANMF House, the newest addition to the Branch’s accommodation member-benefit. Located immediately opposite our Melbourne offices and Education Centre, ANMF House offers a limited number of rooms for one night at up to 20 per cent off the market rate, or for two nights at up to 30 per cent off market rates. Find out more at
Job Rep Foundations
Our free Foundations program aims to provide Job Reps with the essential tools and knowledge to perform their role. New Job Reps are encouraged to do their initial Foundations training as soon as possible.
Keeping it Organised
This two-day program focuses on developing skills and strategies in progressing and resolving collective issues. The metro program is delivered across two standalone days, scheduled four to eight weeks apart. Regional programs are delivered across two consecutive days.
Metro program changes
Previously Job Reps needed to register for two linked dates; this is no longer required. We are now offering a selection of Metro Program 1 and Metro Program 2 dates. Job Reps can select the dates that suit them best and register for a Program 1 and Program 2 of their choosing (noting you need to register separately for each day).
While each day is a standalone program, we strongly encourage Job Reps to register for both programs to gain maximum benefit from the program.
Reading your agreement
This three-hour session is designed to give Job Reps a broad understanding of the structure, content and legal status of EBAs, as well as some basic principles for reading and applying EBA provisions.
Thursday 7 September | Melbourne |
Wednesday 25 October | Melbourne |
Bullying, harassment and discrimination
This half-day session is designed to give Job Reps the basic knowledge and referral information they need to provide initial guidance, referral and support to members who bring issues of this nature to their ANMF Rep.
Thursday 3 August | Melbourne |
HSR training
Health and Safety Reps (HSRs) are nurses, midwives and personal carers who strive to improve theirs and their colleagues’ health, safety and working conditions. The HSR role is a voluntary position, but HSRs are entitled to time off work with pay:
- to undertake the role
- to attend WorkSafe Approved training
- and to have the costs associated with attendance paid by their employer.
Under Section 67 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, HSRs and Deputy HSRs, after being elected, are entitled to attend an approved five-day course. The Act also states that HSRs and Deputy HSRs are entitled, after completing the initial course, to attend an approved one-day refresher course at least once in each year that they hold office. All courses must be WorkSafe approved and chosen by the HSR in consultation with their employer.
Under OHS legislation, employers must not obstruct or prevent HSRs from attending a WorkSafe approved course. All courses run by ANMF (Vic Branch) are WorkSafe Approved.
HSR initial OHS training course
The HSR initial OHS training course relates specifically to health and aged care workplaces, with a strong focus on issues and hazards relevant to nursing and midwifery. It is designed to equip elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs with an understanding of the OHS regulatory framework.
The HSR Initial OHS training course runs for five days over a three-week period. Attendance on day one is mandatory. HSRs who do not attend day one will be required to commence a new course.
6, 7, 8 & 21, 22 September | Melbourne |
HSR refresher OHS training course
The HSR refresher OHS training course is an opportunity to refresh HSRs’ knowledge of the OHS legislative framework; legislative obligations and duties; representation in the workplace; and consultation and issue resolution.
Friday 18 August | Melbourne |
Wednesday 13 September | Shepparton |
Friday 6 October | Melbourne |
Thursday 19 October | Bendigo |
Free HSR update event
On 24 August, the Branch will run the second online HSR update events. The first event in May was a great success. This interactive Zoom event will provide a great opportunity for HSRs to gather the latest industry news; hear from fellow HSRs and OHS experts; and interact with like-minded members. Questions are encouraged!
Register your interest at