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Higher pay for registered RUSONs and RUSOMs

Higher pay for registered RUSONs and RUSOMs

Victorian Maternal and Child Health Nurse student employment model up and running
Maternal Child Health nursing

Victorian Maternal and Child Health Nurse student employment model up and running

Ask Nicole: The latest information for Victorian midwives

Ask Nicole: The latest information for Victorian midwives

Alice answers your student and grad questions

Alice answers your student and grad questions

Becoming a nurse: research update

Becoming a nurse: research update

Midwifery workforce initiative trial: update

Midwifery workforce initiative trial: update

ANMF (Vic Branch) calls for paid clinical placement for students

ANMF (Vic Branch) calls for paid clinical placement for students

ANMF win: daily average 200 care minutes per resident now mandatory
Aged care

ANMF win: daily average 200 care minutes per resident now mandatory

Rethinking addiction – challenging Australia’s current approach to addiction
Alcohol and other drugs

Rethinking addiction – challenging Australia’s current approach to addiction

Supporting People with Intellectual Disability to Access Health (SPIDAH) Program training sessions: ‘Case conferencing – a model of wrap-around care’

Supporting People with Intellectual Disability to Access Health (SPIDAH) Program training sessions: ‘Case conferencing – a model of wrap-around care’

Mental health RUSONs: future proofing the mental health nursing workforce
Mental health nursing

Mental health RUSONs: future proofing the mental health nursing workforce

So, you want to be an AOD midwife?

So, you want to be an AOD midwife?

Interactive CPD workshop: Never Have I Ever – navigating professional boundaries

Interactive CPD workshop: Never Have I Ever – navigating professional boundaries

Free CPD: new modules on the Education Portal

Free CPD: new modules on the Education Portal

Scholarships available to further your career in the AOD sector
Alcohol and other drugs

Scholarships available to further your career in the AOD sector

Towards elimination of seclusion and restraint conference: achieving safety for all
Mental health nursing

Towards elimination of seclusion and restraint conference: achieving safety for all

Ask Paul: How to interpret the Aged Care Work Value Case (aka the 15% wage increase)
Aged care

Ask Paul: How to interpret the Aged Care Work Value Case (aka the 15% wage increase)

Together again: from evidence to reality – 33rd ICM Triennial Congress

Together again: from evidence to reality – 33rd ICM Triennial Congress

Midwifery Models of Care worth the celebration

Midwifery Models of Care worth the celebration

Diploma of Nursing clinical placement grants

Diploma of Nursing clinical placement grants