The Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) added two new eligibility groups to Graduate Nurse/Midwifery Program (GNMP) match, also known as ‘computer match’.
For the 2023/4, GNMP match, Australian-trained international and New Zealand permanent and temporary residents can apply for round one. Previously, this cohort could only apply once unmatched places were available.
International students must ensure they are already in Australia with the right to work on their visa (e.g. no holiday visa) and meet AHPRA’s English language skills standards.
Students are ineligible to apply for a grad program through the PMCV GNMP match if they completed their degree prior to January 2023 and if they are currently employed by a health service while completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery.
Applications for GNMP match open 5 June until 7 July with video interviews recorded between 17-20 July.
How do the PMCV video interviews work?
You’ll be required to complete a PMCV video interview, however health services may also conduct additional interviews, please check individual websites for more information. Failure to do so could jeopardise your application.
For the video interview recording you will need:
- Good internet connection
- a computer preferably or a mobile device with camera and microphone
- a quiet, sound-proof room with good quality light
Tips and tricks for video interviews
- Check your background, where possible look for a plain, uncluttered background, such as a wall. You don’t want the background to distract from you.
- You want the room and you to be lit evenly. Record a test video and look to see if there how dark the video is, or for shadows on your face or in the background. Ideally a window with a soft, light curtain to diffuse light would work best.
- Ensure your room is soundproof and free from all background noise (e.g. housemates/pets/kids, construction, phones, etc).
- Your camera should be horizontal and clearly show your face and shoulders.
- Wear clothing appropriate for a job interview
- Practice recording your interview a few times so you can test your system
- Review all the material and support resources found on the PMCV website
You will want to practice recording this a few times to ensure you are giving clear answers to the questions. Remember: because it’s only recorded once and will be viewed by different recruiters across multiple health services, you may need to keep your answers generic and not too specific to one graduate program (e.g. emergency vs paediatric).
Good luck team!