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COVID-19 Newsflash #55 Priority Pfizer vaccination for healthcare workers’ household contacts

COVID-19 Newsflash #55 Priority Pfizer vaccination for healthcare workers’ household contacts

COVID-19 urgent update – aged care – vaccination rates increasing in lead up to 17 September deadline

COVID-19 urgent update – aged care – vaccination rates increasing in lead up to 17 September deadline

Photo gallery: ‘I’m vaccinated because …’ entries

Photo gallery: ‘I’m vaccinated because …’ entries

COVID-19 Newsflash #54 ANMF strongly advocating for members as surge plans implemented

COVID-19 Newsflash #54 ANMF strongly advocating for members as surge plans implemented

COVID-19 urgent update – aged care – COVID-19 vaccination directive issued

COVID-19 urgent update – aged care – COVID-19 vaccination directive issued

COVID-19 Newsflash #53 Support your colleagues, aged care vaccination and calls for new modelling

COVID-19 Newsflash #53 Support your colleagues, aged care vaccination and calls for new modelling

COVID-19 urgent update – Private and NFP aged care – Single-site restrictions extended to until 23 September 2021

COVID-19 urgent update – Private and NFP aged care – Single-site restrictions extended to until 23 September 2021

Vaccinated? Join our ‘I’m vaccinated because’ selfie and video campaign

Vaccinated? Join our ‘I’m vaccinated because’ selfie and video campaign

Required COVID-19 vaccination webinar – new date

Required COVID-19 vaccination webinar – new date

COVID-19 stressed and furloughed? Debrief with the NMHPV

COVID-19 stressed and furloughed? Debrief with the NMHPV

ANMF calls for urgent Delta modelling before ‘opening up’

ANMF calls for urgent Delta modelling before ‘opening up’

Reforms must protect mental health nurses’ health and safety

Reforms must protect mental health nurses’ health and safety

New child and family mental health centre for Victoria

New child and family mental health centre for Victoria

COVID-19 newsflash #52: Vaccine webinars for nurses, midwives and personal care workers;  all Victorian health services move to COVID PEAK highest risk rating

COVID-19 newsflash #52: Vaccine webinars for nurses, midwives and personal care workers; all Victorian health services move to COVID PEAK highest risk rating

COVID-19 newsflash #51: Vaccination blitz for aged care nurses and personal care workers and the latest COVID-19 vaccine information

COVID-19 newsflash #51: Vaccination blitz for aged care nurses and personal care workers and the latest COVID-19 vaccine information

COVID-19 urgent update – Private and NFP aged care – Aged care single-site restrictions extended to all Victorian residential aged care facilities

COVID-19 urgent update – Private and NFP aged care – Aged care single-site restrictions extended to all Victorian residential aged care facilities

COVID-19 newsflash #50 restrictions and aged care nurses and carer vaccination rate

COVID-19 newsflash #50 restrictions and aged care nurses and carer vaccination rate

COVID-19 vaccination resources

COVID-19 vaccination resources

Birthing on country documentary begins screening soon

Birthing on country documentary begins screening soon

COVID-19 urgent update – Aged care single-site restrictions extended – Private sector aged care facilities

COVID-19 urgent update – Aged care single-site restrictions extended – Private sector aged care facilities