Main Content

ANMF (Vic Branch)

Do not let fear become a reason for discrimination
Press release

Do not let fear become a reason for discrimination

ANMF welcomes special leave and special payments for nurses who have self-isolated
Press release

ANMF welcomes special leave and special payments for nurses who have self-isolated

Staff changes at ANMF (Vic Branch)
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Staff changes at ANMF (Vic Branch)

So many offered to help
Branch Secretary news

So many offered to help

Belinda Morieson Program for Job Reps open
Job Reps

Belinda Morieson Program for Job Reps open

Workplace rights and entitlements
Membership news and benefits

Workplace rights and entitlements

Work in an aged care assessment service?
Membership news and benefits

Work in an aged care assessment service?

Education grant for registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives
Membership news and benefits

Education grant for registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives

City of Melbourne shows no respect for its maternal and child health nurses
Press release

City of Melbourne shows no respect for its maternal and child health nurses

Proposed Ballarat bed closures threaten older patients’ care
Press release

Proposed Ballarat bed closures threaten older patients’ care

ANMF questions ‘transparency’ in MYEFO aged care funding
Press release

ANMF questions ‘transparency’ in MYEFO aged care funding

Student nurses and midwives awarded for their excellence
Scholarships / Grants / Awards

Student nurses and midwives awarded for their excellence

Government and One Nation fail to support transparency in aged care funding
Press release

Government and One Nation fail to support transparency in aged care funding

ANMF Statement: More inhumanity from the Australian Government
Press release

ANMF Statement: More inhumanity from the Australian Government

Top three questions ANMF members ask
Membership news and benefits

Top three questions ANMF members ask

Regional member accommodation a step closer
Membership news and benefits

Regional member accommodation a step closer

Workers call on politicians to stand-up for super & women
Press release

Workers call on politicians to stand-up for super & women

Thank you, Job Reps and HSRs
Job Reps and HSRs

Thank you, Job Reps and HSRs

ANMF welcomes game-changing mental health reforms
Press release

ANMF welcomes game-changing mental health reforms

ANMF resolute in its support for medically supervised injecting room trial
Press release

ANMF resolute in its support for medically supervised injecting room trial