If you’re finishing your graduate year you will need to know your entitlements regarding your future pay.
Pay grades
When you began your graduate year, under your applicable enterprise agreement (EBA) you would’ve likely been classified at:
- RN/M1 (known under the old grades as Grade 2 Year 1 or commonly in the general public sector by the paycode YP2)
- RPN 2 Year 1 (public mental health)
- Grade 2 Year 1 (major private acute)
For enrolled nurses you’d likely started at EN Level 2.3 (public and most private acute) or PEN Level 1.7 (public mental health).
Annual pay increments
As you become more experienced, your pay rate increases until you get to your eighth year of experience. To progress through each pay increment, you need complete a ‘year of experience’ by
‘…working an average of three shifts or more per week in a year. If you average less than three shifts per week or 48 hours per fortnight (whichever is the lesser), you will need to complete an additional year to advance…’
The anniversary date for calculating your ‘year of experience’ is the date of the first shift you worked, e.g. if you commenced work as a registered nurse/midwife on 10 January, that becomes the date for moving to the next increment (e.g RN/M2, RPN 2 Year 2, Grade 2 Year 2).
This is why you should keep your first payslip as it will be evidence of your anniversary date.
All work performed as a nurse/midwife is counted in the total for the 12-month period. If you work casually, or in more than one facility, you should retain a record of all hours worked (e.g. payslips) to be able to show your employer evidence of work experience. It is your responsibility to provide the information to each employer.
You can find pay rates from the members menu.
No. Generally if you remain in a clinical ward-based role you do not proceed beyond the ‘Year 8 and thereafter’ grade of RN/M8 (public sector). However you should familiarise yourself with the clause in your EBA about how to become a Clinical Nurse Specialist, as this is a clinical position that you may wish to work towards and apply for. As different agreements have different incremental levels, please contact the ANMF for any queries.
Higher grades are generally attached to a ‘position’, in areas such as management, education, advanced practice or community. If you successfully apply for a position, you then receive the pay grade which goes with the classification for that position.
EBA pay increases
In addition to your annual pay increments, under your EBA you are entitled to pay increases during the life of the agreement. For instance, public sector nurses and midwives will have their next pay rise in December 2021.
Where can I find my agreement?
You can download your EBA, which contains your pay rates, in the Member Portal. Use your member number for the username which can be found in the ANMF Diary app, or our monthly emailed e-news or ‘On the Record’.
Need assistance?
Member Assistance can assist you via anmfvic.asn.au/memberassistance.