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Upcoming Education Centre courses – July 2020

Upcoming Education Centre courses – July 2020

Photo: Chris Hopkins

Seminars and workshops at ANMF Education Centre are now being delivered online using Zoom video communications.

Refresh your practice, and register today!

July seminars and workshops

3 July – Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration (RRCD)

How to identify and respond to patients who show signs of clinical deterioration is a critical component of professional nursing and midwifery practice and ensuring patient safety.

15 July  – Documentation, the principles of best practice

Focusing on the principles of best-practice documentation that supports continuity and coordination of safe patient care for all nurses and midwives.

29 July – Palliative care for older people: when to begin?

Providing end of life care to older people requires skill and understanding. This seminar supports skill development for nurses.

29 July & 5 August – Safe medication administration

This two-day workshop is designed to address current trends and best practice in safe medication administration, medication management and documentation for all nurses and midwives. This course is designed to support the new practitioner and update the experienced one.

Don’t forget our online CPD Portal!

Our  online CPD Portal has a wide range of modules you can undertake at your own pace. All full-time and part-time members receive $400 annual credit (or $120 for members on parental leave and $80 for student members). Credit is renewed every 1 June.

New clinical assessment modules

Our new clinical assessment modules (12 one-hour modules) supports nurses wanting to develop their clinical skills in recognising and responding to acute clinical deterioration, including a COVID-19 patient.
