I have just finished studies related to my work as a nurse or midwife. Am I eligible for a pay rise in recognition of greater knowledge?
Most enterprise agreements have an entitlement called a qualification allowance for those nurses/midwives who have attained certain qualifications.
To get recognition for your qualification you must:
- provide evidence that you have obtained the qualification; and
- prove (if requested) that the qualification is relevant – considering whether the education would assist you in performing your role, assist in maintaining quality patient care and/or assist in the administration of your ward/unit/area.
If you hold more than one relevant qualification you are entitled to the allowance for the highest qualification held.
Public sector
Registered nurses
The public sector EBA also recognises certain pre-registration qualifications such as a double degree or a master’s degree completed before registration – the allowance is payable after one year of experience in an area where the qualification is relevant. The allowance is:
- 4 per cent of base rate^ – for a hospital certificate or graduate certificate (or equivalent, which may include a certificate where the programs are equivalent to a university graduate certificate and the training/education provider verifies that in writing
- 5 per cent of base rate^ – for a postgraduate diploma, degree or a double degree
- 5 per cent of base rate^ – for a masters
- 10 per cent of base rate^ for a doctorate or PhD.
^ In the public sector enterprise agreement the base rate for a registered nurse is defined as the ordinary weekly wage of a registered nurse Grade 2 Year 3.
Enrolled nurses
An enrolled nurse who holds a relevant qualification will be paid the following allowance in addition to their salary:
- 4 per cent of the weekly rate for an EN 1.6 – for a six-month certificate or qualification
- 5 per cent of the weekly rate for an EN 1.6 – for a 12-month certificate or qualification.
Private sector
These can vary between agreements so it’s best to consult your workplace enterprise agreement. You can find your agreement in your Member Portal
Alternatively, contact the ANMF Information Line via 9275 9333 or via ‘Member assistance’
Unfortunately, qualifications allowances only apply to those nurses and midwives whose employment is governed by an enterprise agreement, not an award.
If you are unsure which agreement/award governs your employment please log into the Member Portal
You will see your agreement/award, providing your workplace details are up to date. Alternatively, contact the ANMF Information Line via 9275 9333 or via ‘Member assistance’