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Public sector EBA: 99 per cent of members voted YES to your new agreement

Public sector EBA: 99 per cent of members voted YES to your new agreement

Wangaratta members attending the 26 June statewide members meeting. Photographer: Natalie Ord

With a greater than 99.5 per cent yes vote, the Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Health Sector) Single Interest Employer Enterprise Agreement 2024-28 is now with the Fair Work Commission for approval. It will become operational and enforceable seven days after FWC approval.

All public sector employees are now guaranteed two pay rises per year over the next four years – totalling 28.4 per cent (compounded) – alongside almost 70 new or improved conditions and entitlements.

Vote breakdown

The total yes vote was 99.61 per cent. At Eastern Health, where the ballot was delayed because the employer missed the access period deadline for supplying all the relevant information, the total yes vote was 99.5 per cent.

Every single public sector workplace achieved a successful yes vote. More than 65 per cent of workplaces achieved a 100 per cent yes vote. Even the lowest yes result was still overwhelmingly in favour, at 97.44 per cent.

Less than one per cent of eligible employees who voted, voted no.

The total voter turnout participation rate was 61.66 per cent of eligible employees. More than 92 per cent of individual workplaces achieved a greater than 50 per cent voter turnout participation rate; over 60 per cent of workplaces achieved more than 60 per cent voter turnout.

Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health achieved a 100 per cent yes vote and 100 per cent voter turnout participation rate.

ANMF congratulates all members on this incredible achievement. It was your willingness to engage in protected industrial action that got this over the line – whether it was wearing the red ANMF campaign t-shirts at work; writing campaign messages on vehicles; refusing to be redeployed or to do paperwork or data entry; writing letters to those in power; or, for a few hours, closing beds.

What happens next?

The Victorian Hospitals Industrial Association lodged the agreement with the Fair Work Commission on 23 September. The Commission will go through every clause and ensure that all the legally required steps have been followed and that every aspect of the agreement complies with relevant federal legislation and that the Agreement passes the better off overall test.

The timeline on this process is not within ANMF’s control but members will be updated the moment we have information.

When will I get my backpay?

ANMF did request that the Victorian Government instruct employers to begin paying the new rates and associated backpay after a successful ballot outcome, rather than wait for Fair Work Commission (FWC) review and approval.

The government has responded that the new rates and backpay will be paid in line with the Fair Work Act, which is when the agreement is operational (seven days following FWC approval).

ANMF also asked that employers divide the backpay payments into the June pay increase and the July increase to reduce the tax implications and to ensure that the backpay paid is the accurate amount.

Not all employers have agreed to this, however. Some employers have agreed to divide the backpay instalments as requested. Others have told us they will instead pay the entire 2024 amount – the new rate, the backpay to June and the backpay to July – in one go. ANMF will further advise members as information from health services becomes available.

The Branch will also soon be making available resources to help members check that they have received the correct amount of backpay.
