ANMF Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick attends the student nursing badge ceremony on 20 November. Photo: Alice Pemberton
ANMF Branch Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick and Graduate and Student Support Officer Alice Pemberton recently attended the Swinburne University final year student nursing badge ceremony on 20 November.
The badge ceremony (also known as ‘pining ceremony’ in other countries) is part of a tradition dating back to the Crusades in the 12th century when those caring for the injured were awarded the Maltese Cross, and Florence Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red Cross for her services during the Crimean War in 1860. Since 1916 this ceremony has been adopted for all graduating student nurses and midwives.
In her speech, Lisa Fitzpatrick welcomed graduating Bachelor of Nursing students to the profession and acknowledged the incredible contribution the graduating students have made during their studies, and to the workforce through their placements and as RUSONs.
Afterwards she handed out their badges to symbolise their dedication and success to their course.
Congratulations graduating students!