When commencing your graduate year there can be a lot of information to take in.
The key to excelling and keeping stress to a minimum is organisation. Keeping important documents in one safe place is key, especially if you are audited or have a workplace issue. Here is our handy checklist to help you.
To do
- Use a filing cabinet or expansion file to store important documents, such as:
- your letter of appointment
- copy of your workplace EBA (which you can download from the ANMF member portal)
- HR policies (check with your employer’s HR or intranet)
- ANMF social media policy
- AHPRA registration
- university transcripts
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) folder
- Superannuation information – we recommend you roll all your super accounts into one.
- Salary packaging information
- Check on your first payslip that:
- your correct entitlements are paid
- any HECS/FEE-HELP deductions have been made
- your start date (your annual year of experience increases will be based on this date)
- Download the ANMF app and enter your roster in the shift planner and test out the salary estimator
- Log into the ANMF member portal and review
- your contact details
- workplace details
- Review your social media accounts:
- Are your photos and posts set to public or private?
- Does it reveal your workplace or your profession?
- Go through old posts and review content (photos and posts) for suitability
- Who have you friended? Delete people you don’t know in real life.
- Review your name – consider using your middle name as your surname to make it harder for patients to identify you
- Subscribe to professional body communications to update your knowledge and add to your CPD hours. Subscribe/bookmark newsletters from:
- Safer Care Victoria newsletters
- Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer newsletter
- Victoria’s Chief Mental Health Nurse
- Victoria’s Chief Health Officer
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
- Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine communiques
- DHHS alerts, advisories, newsletters and digests
- Regularly check your email for communications from ANMF or your employer
- Follow ANMF on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram