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Early career regional nurse study

Early career regional nurse study

Regional Victoria

Are you a registered nurse in the first five years of your career and working in regional, rural or remote Victoria? 

Researchers at La Trobe University are seeking to identify factors influencing early career registered nurses’ decision to leave or stay working in regional, rural, and remote, Victoria. 

Your participation will help the research team understand more about the points of influence early career nurses use when making decisions about employment. 

The research is conducted in two parts:

  1. Online questionnaire that should take no more than 20-30 minutes to complete 
  2. An interview (if you register your expression of interest after completing the survey) 

To participate, just go to the questionnaire. 

If you would like more information, please contact the researchers directly:  

  • Professor Jane Mills (Primary Supervisor) +61 409 762 200   
  • Maureen Dillon (PhD Candidate), +61 35444 7375  