Further to our last student member COVID 19 update on 23 August, the ANMF has sought information and resolution to the many issues students raised with us. Responses and advice that we have received thus far are contained in this newsflash.
Student placements – final year students prioritised
Student members having difficulty accessing clinical placements during the COVID-19 pandemic have contacted ANMF (Vic Branch). These members include final year students who are concerned about not being able to complete the required number of clinical hours to achieve their qualification.
The ANMF raised our student members’ concerns at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) workforce meeting and can advise:
- All public and private health services have been given until Friday 28 August to update the ‘Placeright’ system used for allocation of nursing and midwifery clinical placements across Victoria.
- Placements as arranged or contracted by education providers and health services will be among these placements in the updated system. Health services have also been requested to include any additional opportunities for clinical placements.
All education providers will then be required, during the week commencing 31 August, to commence finalising clinical placements from the updated Placeright system.
Importantly, final year students – all who are scheduled to graduate at the end of 2020 – are to be given priority for clinical placements over the coming months.
ANMF student members with an issue or concern about their student placement are encouraged to make direct contact with your education provider late next week and confirm what placements have been secured for you through the Placeright system. If you are dissatisfied with your education providers’ response to you please contact us as quickly as possible via anmfvic.asn.au/COVID19student
WorkCover coverage and claims
The ANMF has sought clarification from the Department of Health and Human Services regarding students’ entitlement to submit a WorkCover claim in the event they test positive to COVID-19 through undertaking a clinical placement.
Students employed as RUSONs (registered undergraduate students of nursing), or students employed as enrolled nurses or personal care workers in private aged care, are entitled to submit a WorkCover claim if they test positive to COVID-19. ANMF encourages any RUSON or student who tests positive to COVID-19 while employed by a health service to make a WorkCover claim.
For students on clinical placement (who are not employed by the health facility), ANMF is seeking clarification from the Attorney-General and WorkSafe Minister Jill Hennessy and DHHS.
ANMF is advocating for uncontested WorkCover claims for all healthcare workers regardless of where or how they contract the virus. The Premier announced on 25 August that healthcare workers’ WorkCover claims were being fast-tracked with the average response time being within 48 hours.
ANMF is not aware of WorkCover rejecting any healthcare worker’s claim. ANMF will support members who need assistance to make a WorkCover claim.
If you’ve contracted COVID-19 at work or on placement, contact ANMF Member Assistance via anmfvic.asn.au/memberassistance for advice and referral to Gordon Legal where necessary to assist with your claim.
Invite your fellow students to join ANMF (Vic Branch)
ANMF (Vic Branch) encourages all nursing and midwifery students to invite the students in their course to join the union.
Undergraduate nursing and midwifery students and enrolled nursing students can be an ANMF (Vic Branch) member. We have thousands of student members.
Please direct your friends and fellow nursing and midwifery students to anmfvic.asn.au/join
Do you have a workplace concern as a student working?
All ANMF members, including ANMF student members, can seek ANMF advice and support for an issue via anmfvic.asn.au/memberassistance
Issues may include your contract, pay or entitlements, personal protective equipment, rostering or working for more than one employer.
Students can access tailored, free counselling, support and referral
If you feel like you are not coping, need to talk or need a little extra support you can access the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria.
The NMHPV is a free, confidential and independent counselling and support service run by nurses and midwives. Services are available in regional and metropolitan Victoria.
NMHPV encourages students to call sooner rather than later.
Watch NMHPV Chief Executive Officer Glenn Taylor talk about how they can support you anmfvic.asn.au/nmhpv
To contact NMHPV call 9415 7551 or email admin@nmhp.org.au
Find out more www.nmhp.org.au
ANMF communications
ANMF sends members workplace-specific newsflashes and meeting notices. If you are working you need to update your membership details to tell us where you are working, including if you are participating in a RUSON program, to ensure you receive workplace newsflashes.
Please update your details to ensure you receive these emails via anmfvic.asn.au/memberportal
ANMF also sends all members regular COVID-19 newsflash updates so you are aware of the latest information in relation to personal protective equipment, ANMF advocacy and how to seek ANMF assistance.
If we have your correct details and you are not receiving the newsflashes, you may have previously unsubscribed. Please resubscribe via anmfvic.asn.au/resubscribe
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter via @anmfvic