Former Health Minister Jenny Mikakos
The achievements of former Health Minister Jenny Mikakos will long benefit Victorian nurses, midwives and patients despite her short time in the role.
While respecting Ms Mikakos’s decision to resign, ANMF applauds her passionate stewardship of the health portfolio.
Specifically, ANMF members stand in gratitude for Ms Mikakos’s advocacy for improvements to nurse/midwife to patient ratios under the Safe Patient Care (Amendment) Act and for her support for enshrining Victoria’s gold standard education requirements for maternal and child health nurses in legislation.
As a leader through an unprecedented health pandemic which has taken place for almost all of 2020, Ms Mikakos worked tirelessly to address healthcare and aged care worker infection rates. While aged care is a Commonwealth responsibility, Ms Mikakos had to take on the responsibility of overseeing public sector nurses assuming care of private aged care residents – as demonstrated by the almost 5000 shifts worked by public and private acute nurses in these facilities.
ANMF (Vic Branch) looks forward to continuing our productive relationship with former Mental Health Minister, now Health Minister, Martin Foley and to establishing a strong working relationship with new Mental Health Minister, Deputy Premier James Merlino.