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New year, new courses on offer from ANMF (Vic Branch) Education Centre

New year, new courses on offer from ANMF (Vic Branch) Education Centre

ANMF Education Centre courses. Photograph by Chris Hopkins.

Looking for high quality CPD to take your knowledge and skills to the next level?

ANMF (Vic Branch) is offering some exciting new courses in 2020, with something for nurses, midwives and personal care workers.

There are a range of courses suitable for nurses and midwives who are planning their CPD leading up to May registration, as well as a cutting-edge virtual reality course that will give nurses and personal care workers an insight into how a person with dementia perceives the world.

New courses include:

Manage conflict through negotiation (20 February)

This course is interactive, challenging and fun with real outcomes in improving confidence and technique when dealing with challenging behaviours. While the techniques could be applied to many areas of nursing and midwifery practice, this course has been contextualised to particularly support mental health nurses or nurses dealing with people experiencing mental health or AOD issues.

Areas covered will include detection of early warning signs, not contributing to the conflict, curbing inappropriate behaviour, de-escalating techniques, taking ownership, problem solving, tolerance levels and when to disengage or seek assistance.

Wound management: the what, when and why (24 February)

In this one-day workshop you will be instructed by a wound care specialist on several clinical aspects relating to wound management across a range of health care settings.

You will be provided a theoretical and practical approach to understanding the complex components, and evidence-based principles of wound care management.

Enabling EDIE – a dementia reality session (5 March)

With the use of high-quality virtual reality technology this three-hour workshop situates you to see the world through the eyes of a person living with dementia. This immersive experience will raise your awareness of the emotional and perceptual changes that can occur for a person with dementia.

Acute pain management (6 March)

This course will explore the anatomy and physiology of pain, its assessment and management. You will be taken through undertaking a pain assessment -including physical, psychosocial, cultural and the impact on activities of daily living and well-being.

You will learn about pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management strategies. The course will include intravenous analgesic infusions, patient-controlled analgesia, epidural / intrathecal therapy escalation of concerns and risk minimisation as well as related documentation

Midwifery forum: Great job but anxious?  Take a closer look at quality, safety and the law (21 May)

This day will empower midwives to identify and mitigate risk, simplify clinical governance and empower you to drive quality initiatives that count. You will hear from one of the architects of Victoria’s Clinical Governance Framework and from the coroner about what can go wrong when we, or the system around us, loses focus.

Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer and Deputy CEO of Safer Care Victoria Ann Maree Keenan will open this practical and thought-provoking forum.

Law and ethics for mental health nurses (25 May – 26 May)

This seminar is designed to refresh nurses’ understanding of the fundamentals of the law and the legislation that impacts on mental health nursing practice. Included is an outline of legal precepts including the Mental Health Act 2014 and its implications for practice, documents, scope of practice of registered and enrolled nurses and the legal and ethical principles of nursing practice.

On 30 March ANMF (Vic Branch) brings back the Provide first aid course which will give you the skills and knowledge required to perform an assessment and provide response to a casualty in a first aid situation.

There is also a range of mental health courses, some of which were introduced in late 2019:

Supporting midwives to manage women’s mental health issues during pregnancy and motherhood (20 March)

Mental health first aid for nurses and personal care workers in aged care (25 March)

Mental health first aid for maternal and child health nurses and midwives (24 June)
