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Missed the NMBA registration renewal deadline? Don’t panic!

Missed the NMBA registration renewal deadline? Don’t panic!

Nurses and midwives are required to renew their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) by 31 May every year*. But what happens if life gets in the way, and you miss the deadline?

The key thing to remember is not to panic. There is a one-month grace period for NMBA registration renewal.

This means that as long as your renewal is completed online with the NMBA or sent to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) before the end of the grace period – in other words, by 30 June – it will still be accepted, but a late fee applies. For 2023, the late fee is an additional $30 on top of your $180 general registrational renewal fee.

There may also be a delay between payment being processed and updated details appearing on the register.

If you missed the 31 May 2023 deadline and still have not paid your registration renewal by Saturday 1 July 2023, your registration will lapse, meaning you will not be able to work as your name will be removed from the NMBA national register.

If you seek to resume practice in the future, you will be required to lodge a completely new application for registration and comply with the relevant registration standards and associated criteria. Currently, a new application for general or provisional registration fee is set at $309.

For more information, visit

*If you hold provisional registration, your renewal date will be unique to you.
