As part of our organising structure, the ANMF (Vic Branch) relies on a network of workplace-based reps who volunteer to contribute to organised, fairer and safer workplaces.
This comprises of elected Job Representatives (Job Reps) and Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) who act as your point of call if you’re having any workplace or safety issues.
While we have had graduate Job Reps, it is not common. This is likely from the adjustment to the challenging nature of your grad year. But once you’ve finished and have settled into secure employment, why not consider nominating to become a Job Rep or HSR?
Job Reps
Job Reps provide support and information to colleagues and members, and assist with recruiting new members and other Job Reps.
Furthermore, they promote ANMF activities, events and policies.
Each workplace has an allocated ANMF Industrial Organiser assisting in both individual and collective matters. Job Reps liaise on behalf of their colleagues with these organisers regarding work-related issues.
All Job Reps are provided with free training and support from the ANMF Job Rep team,your organiser and other ANMF staff.
This training will provide you with the tools you need to understand your role, such as rights and entitlements, along with broader issues across the health sector.
Find out more on our ‘Becoming a Job Rep’ page.
If the health and safety of you and your colleagues is something you’re passionate about, becoming an HSR might be right up your alley.
HSRs act as a conduit between ANMF, your employer and colleagues by raising and resolving OHS issues in your workplace that could present a hazard or risk to the health and safety of staff or others.
Usually OHS issues are raised on behalf of your Designated Work Group (DWG), which are groups of employees categorised by a similar interest. For example, you may all work in the same area or ward, or you might have all the nursing or midwifery staff in a specific area.
The role of the HSR is to consult with the employer on matters that arise in your workplace. If the OHS matter remains unresolved, HSRs have the power under the OHS ACT (2004) to escalate their concerns and have WorkSafe Victoria become involved.
This is a powerful way of creating change not only locally in your specific ward or workplace, but also within the professions.
All HSRs are provided with free training and ongoing support from the ANMF OHS team,your organiser and other ANMF staff.
To become an HSR you must be elected by your DWG, so keep an ear out for any open positions for HSRs and nominate yourself and contact your ANMF OHS officer for assistance.
Find out more on our ‘Becoming a HSR’ page.