If you wish to undertake further study after your Diploma of Nursing, there are a few options. Additionally, if you’ve been a continuous ANMF (Vic Branch) member for at least 24 months you might be eligible to apply for an ANMF post-registration fee grant.
Advanced Diploma of Nursing
The Advanced Diploma in Nursing (HLT64115) is a nationally accredited qualification which reflects the role of enrolled nurses with advanced skills who work in a specialised area of nursing practice.
At the Adv Dip level, enrolled nurses integrate and adapt specialised, technical and theoretical knowledge to address a diverse range of clinical situations and challenges in specific practice areas of specialisation.
A couple of national and Victorian education providers that teach this course:
Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs
There is an increasingly strong demand for reintroducing and increasing those with nursing skills in the alcohol and other drugs sector. ANMF is aware that there will substantial growth in employment opportunities in this sector that is expected over the next few years, as a result of the Andrews Government’s five-year plan to increase Victorian AOD services.
Enrolled nurses can complement their existing nursing skills and competence through the acquisition of additional education found in Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs qualification (CHC53215). Some education providers offering this course include:
Bachelor degrees
If you’re interested in becoming a registered nurse and/or registered midwife, you’ll need to undertake a Bachelor of Nursing and/or Bachelor of Midwifery. Some universities which offer nursing and/or midwifery degrees include:
- Deakin University
- Federation University
- La Trobe University
- Monash University
- Swinburne
- University of Melbourne
- Victoria University
Each university will have different policies regarding applying course credit from your diploma. Some may even have reciprocal agreements with your education provider. Contact each university’s course coordinator or attend open days or information nights for further information.
ANMF Fee Grants
If you’re interested in undertaking the Advanced Diploma of Nursing or Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs, ANMF has educational fee grants for eligible members. Applications for 2022 grants will open January 2022.
Need support?
The ANMF Graduate and Final Year Student Support Officer can assist you via gradofficer@anmfvic.asn.au.