The ANMF is contributing to an independent nursing preparation review taking place until 21 June.
Emeritus Professor Steven Schwartz AM, previous vice chancellor of Brunel, Macquarie and Murdoch universities, is leading the ‘Educating the Nurse of the Future’ review, which began in February.
The review is considering how current education and preparation of nurses in Australia is meeting healthcare needs now and into the future. The review will also look at whether nurses’ education should be realigned to meet needs.
ANMF will make a written submission to the review and is attending consultation sessions.
The last review of Australian nursing education was in 2002. Since then developments in nursing and healthcare delivery have included the shift of nurse registration to the national registration and accreditation scheme and the expansion of online learning and simulation.
The Schwartz review will examine:
- the effectiveness of current educational preparation of, and articulation between, registered and enrolled nurses and nurse practitioners, in meeting the needs of health service delivery
- factors that affect the choice of nursing as an occupation, including for men
- the role and appropriateness of transition to practice programs and
- the competitiveness and attractiveness of Australian nursing qualifications across international contexts.
Nurses can attend consultations being held in Melbourne on 7 May, Renmark on 8 May (for Mildura area nurses), Traralgon on 9 May and Albury/ Wodonga on 10 May. ANMF (Vic Branch) particularly encourages nurse members to provide their views on the role and appropriateness of transition to practice programs.
Submissions based on the terms of reference can be made by emailing them to prior to the closing date – 21 June 2019.
The review will also have regard to regional needs and circumstances, and national and international trends.
Professor Schwartz’s final report is due by the end of August 2019.
Read about the review process, timelines for consultations and full terms of reference.