Financial assistance
The ANMF (Vic Branch) Council has donated $25,000 to the Bushfire Disaster Fund to assist bushfire affected communities.
We are also providing targeted financial assistance to Victorian members — nurses, midwives, nursing and midwifery students and personal care workers — who have lost their home, property, fencing or other equipment in the bushfires. If you require assistance please fill in our application form.
If you are having difficulties filling out this form contact ANMF (Vic Branch) via records@anmfvic.asn.au or via our Facebook page when you can.
ANMF understands that public health services will continue to pay staff who are rostered to work but may be unable to attend due to the bushfire crisis.
In the event members are unable to attend work and are not paid, including those who do not work in the public sector, ANMF will provide advice and representation. If you experience pay issues complete a Member Assistance inquiry online form and attach a copy of the relevant pay slip.
Information on a range of other financial assistance for those affected by the bushfires is available on the Emergency Victoria website — this includes emergency relief payments and an allowance for loss of income.
Counselling support
The Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria is available to support nurses, midwives and nursing and midwifery students who are affected directly or indirectly during these challenging times. Call the NMHPV on 9415 7551 or visit nmhp.org.au
Nurses and midwives can also use the national Nurse and Midwife Support phone line available 24/7 on 1800 667 877.
Insurance claims
If you have property or contents insurance, you should contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the fire.
- ask your insurer for advice on actions you should take
- do not discard or throw away damaged items without first consulting your insurance company
- make a list of items that have been damaged and take photographs if possible
- keep receipts for any emergency repair work.
ANMF regional organisers
ANMF regional organisers will continue to work, where they are not directly affected by the bushfires themselves. We are mindful of their safety and they will not be travelling to or through bushfire affected areas for meetings.
Offers of help
Thank you to members who have generously offered to assist by working in one of the regional health facilities in the bushfire-affected areas. The Victorian Government has engaged RWAV – Rural Workforce Agency Victoria to co-ordinate health professionals who want to volunteer.
Experienced nurses and midwives are encouraged to register via https://rwav.com.au/firerelief
The ANMF has now closed its register and contacted everyone on our list about the RWAV register.
Volunteering and professional indemnity insurance
Volunteering and professional indemnity insurance Members who are ordinarily covered by the ANMF’s professional indemnity insurance and Good Samaritan insurance are also covered while providing nursing and midwifery services in a volunteer capacity during the bushfire crisis.
We encourage everyone to donate to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal at any Bendigo Bank branch or online
We are continuing to monitor this extraordinary crisis so we can support members and the community where we can.
Stay safe and please look after each other.