Main Content

Andrews Government

Extra mental health nurse and graduate nurse educator positions

Extra mental health nurse and graduate nurse educator positions

ANMF calls for urgent Delta modelling before ‘opening up’

ANMF calls for urgent Delta modelling before ‘opening up’

ANMF welcomes $13.2m package to ease baby boom pressure on midwives
ANMF (Vic Branch)

ANMF welcomes $13.2m package to ease baby boom pressure on midwives

Re-writing the mental health legislation

Re-writing the mental health legislation

Baby boom challenges
Workplace issues

Baby boom challenges

Provisional payments for work-related mental injuries enshrined in law
Workplace issues

Provisional payments for work-related mental injuries enshrined in law

Ambitious budget will transform Victoria’s mental and physical health system
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Ambitious budget will transform Victoria’s mental and physical health system

More, more, more: Health Minister Foley has listened to nurses
ANMF (Vic Branch)

More, more, more: Health Minister Foley has listened to nurses

Workforce: the ‘heart’ of future mental health system

Workforce: the ‘heart’ of future mental health system

New postgraduate mental health scholarships

New postgraduate mental health scholarships

Grand vision to rebuild mental health system

Grand vision to rebuild mental health system

Two royal commissions: no time to waste
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Two royal commissions: no time to waste

Extension of pilot program for public sector emergency workers
Workplace issues

Extension of pilot program for public sector emergency workers

MCH qualifications protected in law
Policies and regulation

MCH qualifications protected in law

After COVID-19 lesson Andrews Government puts private aged care ratios on the table: ANMF calls for one health system
ANMF (Vic Branch)

After COVID-19 lesson Andrews Government puts private aged care ratios on the table: ANMF calls for one health system

Focus on healthcare worker wellbeing

Focus on healthcare worker wellbeing

Health worker alternative accommodation initiative welcomed

Health worker alternative accommodation initiative welcomed

Second phase of ratio improvements from March
Policies and regulation

Second phase of ratio improvements from March

Mildura Base Hospital to return to the public system

Mildura Base Hospital to return to the public system

Mildura MP’s advocacy leads to bold and gutsy Mildura Base Hospital decision
ANMF (Vic Branch)

Mildura MP’s advocacy leads to bold and gutsy Mildura Base Hospital decision