ANMF (Vic Branch) members receive professional indemnity insurance (PII) including $10 million protection for a negligent act and coverage for legal expenses*.
All current professional indemnity insurance (PII) certificates expired on 31 May 2024. Members can login to the member portal now to download your new certificate.
PII is a requirement of registration, and the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law places the specific obligation on registered nurses and midwives not to practise unless they know appropriate professional indemnity insurance is in place in relation to their practice. The new certificate will expire on 4pm on 31 May 2025.
On or after 4 July 2024, you will also be able to download your ANMF tax statement from the Member Portal; this will ensure that all payments for the 2023/24 financial year are included on it and you have evidence to support your tax return claim. Tax statements for the previous financial years are also available if required.
How to use the portal
Go to the Member Portal and click ‘sign in’ on the top right.
This will take you to the login screen. If you have forgotten your member number, click ‘Forgot member number?’ and enter the home email address you provided us. Your member number will be sent to that address.
‘Forgot password?’ will send a reset link to your home email address, enabling you to reset your password and, if you’ve never logged in before, create a new password.
Once you’ve logged in, select ‘My membership’.

Here’s where you can download your:
- professional indemnity insurance certificate
- tax statements
- your workplace enterprise bargaining agreement/s (EBA) and pay rates
- CPD records
While you are in the Member Portal, please review and update your details to ensure you are in the correct membership category and that we have the correct contact information for you.
* Cover does not extend to privately practising midwives in independent practice, associate members or student members who are not working or clinical work performed by higher education sector members. Further, exclusions apply with respect to botox and cosmetic injectables; ear syringing; laser therapy; osteopathy, chiropractic and manipulative therapy; services rendered under the influence of intoxicants or drugs; and dishonest, fraudulent, criminal and/or malicious conduct.