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Your questions about Performance Management Plans and Computer Match

Your questions about Performance Management Plans and Computer Match

Starting your career as a professional nurse or midwife can be challenging and daunting. If you have a general question for our Graduate and Final Year Student Support Officer go to

Grad question

I’ve been told that I need to undergo a performance management plan after making a couple of mistakes at work. I’m rather stressed out which is making me feel scrutinised which, in turn, is making it hard to want to go to work. What can I do?
– Tim

Dear Tim,

I know it’s easier said than done but try not to panic. As a novice, you are bound to make mistakes, as even experienced nurses and midwives do.

If mistakes occur because of your conduct, your employer may implement a performance management plan (PMP) to address their concerns about your practice to ensure that these mistakes are preventable.

ANMF is here to ensure you are receiving the support you need so you can successfully complete your grad year.

If your PMP has clear, achievable and measurable goals and timelines, it’s to ensure you improve and be the best nurse or midwife you can be.

I advise graduates that as soon as concerns are raised about performance, nurses and midwives get in touch with me via to ensure you are being treated equitably.

Do not sign your PMP before you have contacted me, so we can ensure your plan is about supporting you.

If the stress is getting to you, you can also contact the Nursing & Midwifery Health Program Victoria. Phone 9415 7551 or visit

Student question

What happens if I don’t get a graduate nurse position through Computer Matching?
– Emma

Dear Emma

Student nurses will be offered graduate nurse positions through the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) Computer Matching Service on 9 October. If you aren’t matched, the PMCV will email you a list of unmatched positions and you can then apply directly to those hospitals/health services. I advise students to keep an open mind about your graduate year and consider completing your graduate nursing year in a regional hospital/health service.

The purpose of the graduate nursing position is to consolidate the skills and knowledge you have learned as a student – and regional health services can offer a great opportunity to build a broad skill set in a supportive environment.

You can also take a look at the PMCV Computer Matching site for further information:

Good luck!
