It’s time for political leadership so that every aged care facility provides the care, emotional comfort, respect and dignity elderly Australians deserve.
Thousands of nurses and carers across Australia have reported examples of understaffing, such as:
- employers not replacing staff on sick leave or annual leave
- staff missing lunch and toilet breaks
- hours and shifts for staff being cut
- staff needing to stay back late to complete their work without paid overtime
- a lack of staff on night shifts
- no registered nurse on night shifts
- handover of shift not able to be adequately undertaken.
If you are concerned about the staffing levels, care and skill mix at your aged care facility:
- Speak or write to the facility manager
- If you are not satisfied with their actions, make a complaint through the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (or via 1800 951 822) and seek advice from your union, ANMF (Vic Branch) via our online member assistance inquiry form
- If you’re not already a member, join ANMF (Vic Branch)
Your privacy can be protected
If you have reason to be extremely concerned about staffing and the level of care being delivered at your facility, make a complaint to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission immediately.
If you have concerns about repercussions or do not wish to be identified, your complaint can be confidential or anonymous.