Mental Health Job Reps EBA meeting
This virtual meeting will provide mental health Job Reps employed in public sector mental health inpatient and community services with an update on negotiations for the 2020-24 public sector mental health EBA, including the status of key claims. Please note: this meeting does not include Forensicare.
Make sure your ward, unit or community team is represented.
Wednesday 30 September 2020
3pm-4.30pm (meeting will commence promptly)
Registrations close 5pm Monday 28 September
Please register, even if you are not sure you will be able to attend.
On the day of the meeting Job Reps, who have registered, will be sent a meeting link via email and text message.
What is the meeting about?
This meeting will provide Job Reps with a progress report on your 2020-24 EBA negotiations. You will be encouraged to discuss the update with your colleagues back in the workplace.
The meeting is scheduled for 3pm to ensure as many reps as possible can attend.
The current agreement expired on 30 June 2020 and continues to operate until a new agreement is in place.
ANMF has been in weekly talks with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association and HACSU since May.
The ANMF log of claims [PDF] is designed to support the implementation of all of the recommendations of the mental health royal commission. It also ensures that ANMF’s successes, achieved for nurses and midwives working in the general public sector, flow on to nurses working in mental health.