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Victorian nurses and midwives say thank you to Professor Brett Sutton

Victorian nurses and midwives say thank you to Professor Brett Sutton

A statement by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) Lisa Fitzpatrick

Professor Brett Sutton’s expertise and resolute leadership saved the lives of thousands of Victorians.

In the early days of the pandemic Victorian nurses and midwives carried the responsibility of responding to a health crisis of unknown scale while the northern hemisphere’s preview threatened a terrible toll.

Prof Sutton’s public health decisions through the pandemic years, while not always popular, were always designed to protect the lives of all Victorians.

He also acknowledged and had a deep understanding of the ‘Herculean’ challenges nurses and midwives faced and embraced head on.

Victoria’s nurses, midwives and personal care workers say thank you for steering Victoria through the most tumultuous of times and protecting our precious health system.

Thankfully few of us will ever know the weight of the responsibility Victoria placed on his shoulders.
