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Victorian mental health royal commission update

Victorian mental health royal commission update

Mental Health and Wellbeing Act

On June 21, 2022, the Andrews Government introduced the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill into the Victorian Parliament. This is an historic milestone in Victoria’s work to build a mental health system that delivers tailored care to all Victorians, close to home.

The legislation will replace the current Mental Health Act 2014 in mid-2023, and will support the royal commission’s vision for an integrated, contemporary and adaptable mental health and wellbeing system

ANMF responded to the Mental Health Wellbeing Act (MHWA) Update and Engagement Paper in July 2021 after wide consultation with members through workshops and the ANMF Royal Commission Working Group. ANMF made multiple recommendations, including the need to have comprehensive implementation that is appropriately resourced, establishing an OHS oversight committee, and development of clear practice guidelines. You can revisit the submission via

Following ANMF’s above recommendations, $29.3 million has already been funded for dedicated resources to support implementation of the new legislation, including through comprehensive workforce training and support for consumers, families, carers and supporters to understand their rights under the new legislation.

An independent review of compulsory treatment criteria and alignment of decision-making laws will also commence in October 2022. The independent review’s work will be guided by terms of reference which will be developed by a dedicated working group made up of consumers, families, carers, supporters, workers and service providers.

Information session

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division is running a briefing session on Thursday 23 June between 3 – 3.45pm (today). This session will provide an overview of the bill and highlight key points of difference with the current Mental Health Act 2014. Members are encouraged to attend if possible, you can register to attend via

ANMF will continue to update members on the new legislation and the independent review of the compulsory treatment criteria. Please contact Mental Health Nursing Officer Jade Chandler if you have any queries via
