Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
The ANMF Member Portal allows members to easily manage their ANMF membership.
The portal enables you to change your contact details, download your ANMF tax receipts, evidence of professional indemnity insurance or CPD record, and easily find important links to ANMF websites.
How to access the portal
In your web browser, go to the Member Portal and click ‘sign in’ on the top right.

This will take you to the login screen where you enter your email (for username) and password.
- If you have forgotten your member number, click ‘Forgot username?’ and enter your home email you provided us with. Your member number will be sent to that address.
- ‘Forgot password?’ will retrieve your password and, if you’ve never logged in before, create a new password.

How to navigate the main menu
Home screen
Once you have logged in, the home screen will display three sections:
- Main menu (top right) – My details, My membership and My ANMF links
- Three display panels showing your membership details (My Profile), fees (My Payments) and membership alerts from ANMF (My Alerts)
- Quick links where you can update details, pay fees or contact Members Assistance.

My details
In this section you can:
- Update your personal details, membership level, fee payment details and professional information (e.g. employer, clinical area, position)
- View your membership payment information such as method (e.g. direct debit), frequency, fee, next date debited
- Update your password
- Information on different membership levels for members who are not currently working or are on parental leave or moving interstate
- Find out your federal and state electorates.

My membership
Here’s where you can download your:
- tax statements
- professional indemnity insurance certificate
- your workplace enterprise bargaining agreement/s (EBA) and pay rates
- CPD records.
You can also view:
- ANMF events you’ve attended
- find who your workplace Job Reps and Health & Safety Reps are
- view the delegate training you’ve attended (if you’re a Job Rep or HSR).

My ANMF links
This menu will take you to key ANMF websites and pages, such as:
- our Member Assistance online form and FAQ
- On the Record news website
- our webshop to buy ANMF merchandise and workplace equipment
- ANMF Education Centre course calendar
- publications and policies.
You can also view the current membership fees.