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The public sector agreement ballot is open: ANMF recommends nurses and midwives vote now and vote YES

The public sector agreement ballot is open: ANMF recommends nurses and midwives vote now and vote YES

1. Ballot information

The electronic ballot to approve the 2020-24 Victorian public sector nurses and midwives agreement 2020-24 opened at 00:01am on Friday, 10 December 2021 and will close at midnight (24:00 hours) on Thursday, 16 December 2021.

The ballot is being conducted by Elections Australia.

All Victorian public sector nurses and midwives employees will be able to vote on the question

Do you approve the proposed Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) (Single Interest Employers) Enterprise Agreement 2020-2024?

Please make sure your vote counts and participate in this important process. Approval requires a YES vote by more than 50 per cent of those employees who vote.

Your employer will provide you with access to the voting platform and login details. See voting instructions provided by your employer below.

Under the Fair Work Act your employer is required to provide you with a copy of the agreement ( and a summary of key changes.

Ballot timeline

  • Ballot opens Friday 10 December 2021, 00:01am
  • Ballot closes Thursday 16 December 2021, midnight (24:00 hours)
  • Result declared Friday 17 December 2021

If a YES vote is declared the agreement must then go to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for final approval. Once formally approved by FWC, the agreement becomes legally enforceable seven days later.

2. How to vote online

You can vote from 00:01am, Friday 10 December to midnight, Thursday 16 December 2021 by following these steps.

i) Log your computer on to the internet and in the address bar at the top left corner of your web browser (not through a search engine such as Google) enter

OR you can scan your phone’s camera over the QR code shown here.

ii) Enter your surname, employee number, date of birth and select your employer from the dropdown box then click on the submit button.

iii) Click on either the YES or NO box then click on the submit button.

Once you click on SUBMIT you cannot change your vote

Please note that your personal information is only used to check that you are eligible to vote and that you have not already voted. The way you vote remains secret.

3. ANMF recommends nurses and midwives vote YES

ANMF recommends members vote yes in this ballot. A YES vote will formalise the YES vote at the statewide members meeting on 16 April 2020. This meeting endorsed the proposed agreement which includes significant improvements to entitlements. Some are historic such as superannuation to be paid on the unpaid component of parental leave.

It also includes the final three pay rises of the 2016 eight-year-wages deal which lifted Victorian nurses and midwives to net pay parity with their NSW colleagues in 2019. Since then, Victorian public sector pay rises have been higher than NSW.

The legal steps to finalise the agreement were delayed because of a dispute over who was covered by the agreement. To ensure nurses and midwives were not negatively impacted by the delays, the Andrews Government authorised the administrative implementation of the EBA in June 2021. Nurses and midwives also had had earlier access to the new parental leave entitlements for leave commencing after 1 April 2021.

This means public sector nurses and midwives have been able to access the benefits of the improved entitlements and conditions despite the agreement not having the final approval of (FWC).
