Belinda Morieson speaks to the media during her tenure as ANMF Victorian Branch Secretary
The Belinda Morieson Program has been providing ANMF Job Reps with an overview of our work as a union since 2001.
Previously known as the ‘Unions at Work’ training program, the program was renamed in 2002 in recognition of the former Branch Secretary Belinda Morieson’s commitment to the role and training of Job Reps.
Ms Morieson was Branch Secretary from 1989-2001. Membership doubled under her tenure, with her emphasis on the Job Reps’ role in recruiting members and mobilizing them in industrial action. Under her watch, the first delegates conference for Job Reps was held in 1993.
The Belinda Morieson program is a counterpart to the Victorian Trades Hall Council Anna Stewart Memorial Project, which is available to female Job Reps only. As with the Anna Stewart Project, the Belinda Morieson Program is conducted twice a year, usually in June and September.
Program participants spend two weeks at the Branch’s office gaining insight into the work of the Branch by talking with staff members including industrial organisers and officers, Member Assistance, and professional officers, and going along to union activities such as member meetings and Fair Work Commission hearings.
Participants also get automatic registration for the Delegates Conference as part of the June program or the Australian Nurses and Midwives Conference as part of the September program.
Job Reps are usually nominated by their Organiser but may also be nominated by ANMF Job Rep training officers or other staff. The Branch Secretary makes the final selection from the list of nominees. Some of the factors that contribute to a Job Rep’s chances of being successful include:
- how you’ve demonstrated your commitment to the Job Rep role
- involvement in current workplace campaigns
- how proactive you may have been in dealing with workplace issues on behalf of members
- recruitment of both new members and new Job Reps
- participation in union training, seminars, meetings and other union activities.
Job Reps who are interested in this program should speak to their Organiser.