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Thank you, Job Reps and HSRs

Thank you, Job Reps and HSRs

Kylie Somerville, Job Rep and MCH nurse

It’s been a bumper year for ANMF (Vic Branch) Job Reps and HSRs.

Our 2018 HSRs of the Year, Sally Collier-Clarke and Sara Jorgensen of Bendigo Health, were named WorkSafe Victoria’s 2019 HSRs of the Year for their representation of colleagues which led to nursing numbers being increased from seven to eight – above ratios required by law – in the women’s ward on night duty.

The pair was recognised for their work to ensure colleagues can provide a high level of clinical care without risking their health and safety.

ANMF (Vic Branch) staff visits to more than 500 private aged care homes in October resulted in 80 members signing up as Job Reps, contributing to our ending the year with a total of 2352 Job Reps, the highest ever number.

Our existing Job Reps have been doing outstanding work recruiting other members to become Job Reps. There is always need for more Job Reps and HSRs to be the conduit between ANMF and your colleagues in the workplace.

ANMF (Vic Branch) Job Reps and HSRs have been instrumental in achieving workplace wins in 2019.

MCH nurse Kylie Somerville, who has been a Job Rep since 2001, was part of advocating to ensure that the MCH nurse coordinator and MCH nurse team leader positions at the City of Whittlesea are held by MCH nurses.

‘This is significant for our workforce, ensuring that there is a career structure and advancement for MCH nurses, along with accessing timely secondary consultation and support,’ Kylie said.

‘However, without the amazing support of the ANMF, ANMF delegates at the City of Whittlesea and my work colleagues we would not have been able to achieve this outcome.

‘As a Job Rep I see it as a privilege to advocate for staff by improving and maintaining our working conditions for our service delivery and the safety of our MCH nurses.’

Would you like to become a Job Rep or HSR in 2020? Find out more about becoming a Job Rep. Job Rep Foundations training will take place in Melbourne on 21 January 2020. HSR training dates for 2020 are also available. Find out more about becoming an HSR.
