Stop work and community rally – registration and buses
Members participating in the Thursday 28 November STOP WORK rally can now register their attendance and book a place on the ANMF bus via https://anmfvic.asn.au/stopwork or scan the QR code.
The ANMF St Vincent’s Private Hospitals members stop work rally will be held on Thursday 28 November between 12.45pm and 4.15pm.
The stop work action is subject to any decision of the all-member online meeting on Tuesday 26 November at 2.30pm. Check your ANMF emails for the meeting link.
Members on wards and units outside theatres are encouraged to stop work for the last 2 hours and 15 minutes of your AM shift or the first 2 hours and 15 minutes of your PM shift.
Organise for your ward to leave safe night duty staffing levels for that period (your ANMF job reps will liaise with the NUM/MUM).
Please note that you are not legally required to advise your NUM or manager of your participation in the stop work. You can, as a matter of professional courtesy let them know, and that is usually done in the public sector on the day before or morning of the stop work. St Vincent’s Private Hospitals has had 5 clear days’ notice of the intention to take stop work action and they know approximately how many union members there are across the four campuses. They can prepare for that stop work. We have advised them that each ward/unit will ensure that night staffing levels will be maintained. Do what is comfortable for you, but please note you are not obliged to disclose whether or not you are going to engage in the protected industrial action stop work.
Theatre members are encouraged to delay the start of the afternoon theatre list as agreed in your campus theatres.
Make sure your ward, unit or theatre is well represented.
Not working? Members not rostered to work are urged to attend to support your colleagues.
Bring your placards and signs. Wear your red t-shirt. Lunch and drinks provided.
This action is item 27 on the protected industrial action ballot order which states: Single and/or consecutive work stoppages of up to four (4) hours duration including such stoppages to travel for and to attend stop-work meetings (including those organised by the ANMF).
Download the St Vincent’s Private Hospitals STOP WORK rally poster [PDF] for your workplace noticeboard via
Reminder of all-site Teams meeting Tuesday 26
This important meeting is for members to discuss the revised offer and the 28 November rally. It will be held at 2.30pm on Tuesday 26 November. Please try to attend and be sure your ward/unit is represented. Check your emails for the meeting link.
Redeployment issue
We understand that some nurses and midwives have effectively been stood down or forced to take a day of annual leave when they have refused to be redeployed from their usual ward to another ward/unit. ANMF is seeking urgent legal advice about these actions by your the employer and will give definitive advice on Monday.
Report intimidation to ANMF
Members do not have to answer questions about their participation in protected industrial action.
Report harassment or intimidation to ANMF via https://anmfvic.asn.au/stvprivreport