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Recruit a RUSON and/or RUSOM

Recruit a RUSON and/or RUSOM

Do you have Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing (RUSON) or Registered Undergraduate Student of Midwifery (RUSOM) working in your ward, unit or health service?

With growing numbers of RUSONs/RUSOMs, ANMF members are asked to invite their new colleagues to join ANMF, or upgrade their student membership to a ‘working student’.

By inviting them to join, you can ensure they are protected and can access all the services and benefits they may need, including:

  • Professional indemnity & public liability insurance up to $10m
  • Good Samaritan insurance
  • Representation for workplace issues
  • Professional advice
  • Legal advice (conditions apply)
  • Annual $400 credit for online modules on the CPD Portal

Joining the ANMF is the best protection a RUSON/RUSOM can have. Member benefits are only provided to full financial members at the time of the incident for which they are seeking assistance.

There are currently over 40 RUSON/RUSOM programs throughout Victoria. Prior to the pandemic, there were six health services who had implemented the model.

Prospective members can join online. Student members can upgrade to ‘working student’ member via the Member Portal or
