2020 public sector enterprise agreement
2020 public sector EBA campaign update 2
NERR update
The Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR) has now been issued by all employers except those who operate standalone community health centres. These are expected to follow in coming weeks. The NERR indicates the formal commencement of bargaining for a new enterprise agreement.
Single interest employer update
Once all the NERRs have been issued, the employers can seek approval to be covered by a single enterprise agreement, as is the case currently despite the agreement applying to around
100 separate employers.
Preliminary discussions
Discussions have commenced on the ANMF claim which comprises a series of amendments to the current agreement. Nurses employed in public mental health services are covered by a different agreement that will be negotiated later.
Wage increases for this agreement are already locked in. The amendments we are seeking address many non-wage issues, including annual leave, long service leave, on-call, overtime, gender
equity, flexible work and more.
This step of the process involves ANMF explaining and refining its claims following feedback from employer representatives. ANMF anticipate concluding this step before 2 December 2019.
Member surveys
ANMF has sought feedback from members in the first of a number of short surveys we will be issuing.
The first survey sent via text message seeks information from members who hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, or a Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety. This information is needed to help cost the claim for a specific qualification allowance for those who hold these qualifications.
Thank you to the thousands of members who responded so quickly. Your timely and useful information is key to delivering a fairer and safer agreement. If you haven’t already completed this quick survey and you hold a current Cert IV in TAE or Workplace Health and Safety please check your text messages and fill in the questions.
ANMF encourages members to respond to these surveys. If you work in the public sector (outside public mental health services) and didn’t receive a survey text message please update your details via the member portal anmfvic.asn.au/memberportal
Claim from employers expected soon
The Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association (VHIA) on behalf of the employers, is expected to provide its claims in coming days.
Discussions will continue on Monday 28 October.