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OVA auditing pilot project starting in August

OVA auditing pilot project starting in August

10 point plan pilot project

ANMF (Vic Branch) will conduct a five-month occupational violence and aggression audit pilot project involving Job Reps and Health and Safety Reps at nominated workplaces.

The pilot project will take place from August to December 2021.

The Job Reps and HSRs will audit their organisation’s progress in implementing the ANMF (Vic Branch) 10-point plan to end violence and aggression: a guide for health services.

The pilot project is focused on ensuring health services take urgent action on preventing and managing occupational violence and aggression. The pilot program will take place at Monash Health, Peninsula Health, Forensicare, Ballarat Health Services, Western Health, Northern Health, Austin Health, Goulburn Valley Health, Eastern Health, Melbourne Health, St Vincent’s Hospital, Mildura Base Public Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital.

Each month the Reps will audit two of the 10 occupational violence and aggression (OVA) reduction themes, using a smart phone-based auditing tool. They will provide a green, amber or red rating of their employers’ progress measured against our 10-point guide. The data collected will inform conversations at OVA committees and other forums, leading to measurable improvements in implementing the plan.

The outcomes of the pilot project will be evaluated in January 2022 against the aims of the 10-point plan, with a view to rolling out the auditing project statewide, including in private acute hospitals, private aged care facilities and smaller health services.
