Victorian public sector nurse and midwife unit managers should expect to receive a letter from their employers over the next few days about their new nurse/midwife manager level and pay rate under the new three-level classification.
The development of a new classification structure is a requirement of clause 81 of the 2016 Victorian public sector nurses and midwives enterprise agreement.
Determining the new classification framework and assigning a ward role’s classification is the conclusion of a 14-month process involving direct input of nurse and midwife unit managers across Victoria.
The classification is assigned to the role, not individual capabilities.
The new classifications and pay rates will apply from the first pay period on or after 1 April 2019.
NUM/MUMs who disagree with their employer’s assessment will have 10 working days from the date of their employer’s notification letter to initiate a ‘review by your employer’ via a form provided by their employer. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If a review is sought, employers are required to provide a written response within 10 working days.
What if I disagree with my employer’s assessment?
ANMF members who disagree with their employer’s assessment can seek union advice before initiating the ‘review by your employer’ process. You are required to read the comprehensive frequently asked questions before submitting your ‘Classification determination ANMF inquiry’ online form. Both the FAQs and the online form are available here. Inquiries on this occasion can only occur through the online form.
ANMF understands the importance of a timely response and will make every endeavor to respond in writing to your inquiry for advice within two working days.
Does this apply to Victorian public mental health services?
The new classification structure does not apply to public mental health services. Nurses employed in this sector are covered by a different agreement, the Victorian Public Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement 2016-2020, which ANMF negotiates with both the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association and HACSU. There was not agreement to include this three-level structure in the mental health agreement.