Our Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination program is provided free to Job Reps and HSRs. It has been designed to educate members around these issues and provide the essential information to support members who may bring concerns of this nature forward in workplace.
What is the aim of the program?
The aim of this program is to provide Job Reps and HSRs an understanding of these issues and to prepare them for initial or preliminary conversations with members & guiding them appropriately.
What does the program cover?
The program covers:
- identifying the various pieces of relevant legislation to provide a broad legal context for dealing with such matters
- outlining the ANMF (Vic Branch) processes & preliminary steps a Job Rep or HSR can take when such matters are brought to them by members
- considering and responding to a range of possible scenarios to help clarify and embed best practice responses & available referral options.
Participants are provided with a variety of information, materials and resources.
Wednesday 24 May, 10am – 2.30pm
ANMF (Vic Branch) 535 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
Length of program
4 hour half-day training program with a light lunch provided.
Who should attend?
All ANMF Job Representatives and/or HSRS are encouraged to attend.
Paid Union Training Leave
Depending on the entitlements in the applicable enterprise agreement, Job Reps may be eligible to receive paid union training leave from their employer to participate in these programs. If there is no entitlement and the employer will not provide paid training leave, Job Reps may be eligible to apply for an ANMF ‘loss of pay’ subsidy when taking leave without pay to attend.
Once registered, Job Reps will be provided with written confirmation, and a letter to be forwarded to their relevant NUM/MUM/Line Manager requesting leave to participate in union training.