ANMF members have elected a new Branch Council for a two-year term starting on 30 November 2019.
The election was conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission which announced the result on 17 October.
The 14 Branch Councillors include six newly elected members and eight re-elected members. They come from a variety of clinical settings across metropolitan and regional Victoria and the nursing and midwifery disciplines.
Branch Council is the union’s highest policy and decision making body.

The new ANMF Branch Council members. Top row: Ruth Bloom, Fiona Creswell, Kimberley Pentreath, Erin Sterritt, Chris Morgan, Carol Munro, Lisa Auchetti. Bottom row: Ross Donaldson, Catherine Williams, Kate Mason, Rachel Whyte, Jill Garnder, Deborah Holloway, Kate Reid
The recently elected Branch Councillors are:
- Ross Donaldson, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse working in the St Vincent’s Hospital emergency department.
- Jill Gardner, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse working for Hospital in the Home, University Hospital, Geelong.
- Kate Mason, ANMF Job Rep and registered midwife working as a clinical midwife specialist at Box Hill Hospital.
- Chis Morgan, ANMF Job Rep and enrolled nurse at Peninsula Health emergency department.
- Rachael Whyte, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse working as a bed access manager, Monash Health.
- Catherine Williams, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse working as a clinical nurse specialist at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
- Lisa Auchettl, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse and midwife currently working as a maternal and child health nurse co-ordinator.
- Ruth Bloom, ANMF Job Rep and enrolled nurse working in the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s emergency department.
- Fiona Cresswell, ANMF Job Rep and nurse unit manager at Peninsula Private.
- Deb Holloway, ANMF Job Rep and enrolled nurse at Maryborough District Health Service.
- Carol Munro, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse and midwife with qualifications in mental health, currently working as a nurse unit manager, Drug Health Services, Western Health.
- Kimberly Pentreath, ANMF Job Rep, and registered nurse working as a nurse unit manager in anaesthetics, Bendigo Health.
- Kate Reid, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse working as an associate nurse unit manager in medical/ RAPU, Goulburn Valley Health Shepparton.
- Erin Sterritt, ANMF Job Rep and registered nurse at the Northern Hospital.
The Branch President, Vice President and four Executive Members were elected unopposed in September.
All Council positions are honorary and unpaid.
We take this opportunity to thank those who participated in the AEC election, the new Councillors and those Councillors who retire at the end of their term in November 2019.