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Member services during COVID-19 pandemic

Member services during COVID-19 pandemic

The ANMF (Vic Branch) has cancelled all in-person conferences, Job Rep and HSR training and education workshops and seminars until at least 30 June, to prevent the risk of coronavirus transmission to our members, staff and presenters.

Conferences cancelled are the Health and Environmental Sustainability Conference (1 May), ANMF Mental Health Forum (8 May), the Midwifery Forum (21 May), the Undergraduate Student Nurse Midwife Study Day (22 May and 23 May) and the Annual Delegates Conference (18 and 19 June).

In line with the Australian Government’s shutdown of non-essential services, the ANMF (Vic Branch) headquarters has closed and staff are working from home.

This message from Branch Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick outlines our advocacy to employers on behalf of members in relation to COVID-19 and how we are supporting members during this unprecedented and rapidly evolving situation.

Member support and assistance

Changes we have made in delivering member services in order to protect members and staff include:

  • establishing a dedicated page on our website for COVID-19 updates and information
  • Staff will not attend member meetings at workplaces in person but will communicate with members via teleconferencing.
  • As the office is now closed, we are operating our Member Assistance service online only.
  • If you need assistance or information relating to a work matter, please see if our Member Assistance page has the information you need. If you still need assistance, fill out the Member Assistance form. Complex enquiries will still involve contact by telephone and teleconference when required.

The Branch has written to all employers asking them to adopt the Department of Health and Human Services’ guidelines, which are being updated on a regular basis. This includes payment to healthcare employees who are ill with COVID-19, required to self-isolate in accordance with Victoria’s Chief Health Officer’s advice, or caring for an affected family/household member.

Online education

Our Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course will now be delivered online.

ANMF (Vic Branch) has quickly adapted to the challenge of delivering CPD workshops and seminars during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seminars and workshops now being delivered online using Zoom video communications are:

We will keep you updated about workshops and seminars scheduled for dates beyond 30 June.

You can also undertake online clinical assessment modules via our CPD Portal.

Job Rep and HSR training

All in-person Job Rep and HSR training has been cancelled until  at least 30 June. ANMF (Vic Branch) is investigating ways to deliver online resources and education opportunities for Job Reps and HSRs. Job Reps and HSRs, we appreciate your support in providing information to members in the workplace during this time.

Library services

Our physical library is closed but members have access to excellent online databases of journals and our collection of e-books.

Members can access the CINAHL and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health databases through the Member Portal.

Members who have registered for an EBook Central account can still access the platform. New registrations will continue to be approved by library staff during business hours. The Branch has a collection of 62 titles on the e-book platform.

ProQuest Ebook Central has included the Branch library in the list of customers impacted by COVID-19 and has given unlimited access to all owned titles until 19 June 2020. Unlimited access does not include textbooks such as Clinical Reasoning: Learning to Think Like a Nurse by Tracy Levett-Jones.

Members can email the library at requesting articles and help with literature searches or they can fill in an online form.

We have comprehensive online library resource guides which also provide helpful information about how to use the databases and e-book platform.

The ANMF (Vic Branch) Library has created a library resources guide on COVID-19 that will continue to be updated.

Members with physical book loans have had these loans extended until the library reopens.

Special interest groups and community group meetings

With strict physical distancing measures in place and the ANMF (Vic Branch) office closed, special interest group and community groups that have booked meetings at our office will need to postpone or organise online meetings.
