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Join us for a virtual cuppa to celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2023

Join us for a virtual cuppa to celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2023

ANMF Vic Branch is hosting a free virtual cuppa this Friday 5 May to celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2023.

This year’s International Day of the Midwife theme – Together again: from evidence to reality – is a nod to the upcoming 33rd ICM Triennial Congress, where our global midwife community will come together for the first time in more than five years.

Where: From your virtual loungeroom or tearoom

Date: Friday 5 May

Time: 10am – 11am

Join us to hear an update from ANMF and hear from presenters in the midwifery space.

ANMF Maternity Services Officer Nicole Allan will provide an update to attendees on maternity service issues affecting our membership and leave time for questions and a chat.

Joining us:

  • Robyn Matthews, Research Fellow, Project Coordinator The FUSCHIA Study
  • Colleen White Operations Director Women’s Children and Adolescent Health, Peninsula Health to update to the Maternity Workforce Initiative Trial (MWIT) currently in place at Peninsula Health

Plus an ANMF update:

  • Safe Patient Care Act and changes to midwife to patient ratios
  • Midwifery Models of Care advocacy
  • Andrews government election commitments
  • Growth and planning of La Trobe and ANMF student wellness initiative

This IMD event will have a formal agenda of one hour, with a further optional 30 mins to continue the conversation and celebration of this important date.

If you haven’t already, members are invited to register to attend. There is no cost for this event.
