Starting your career as a professional nurse or midwife can be challenging and daunting. If you have a general question for our Graduate and Final Year Student Support Officer go to
Grad question
Dear Jess, I’m doing a graduate program and I’m feeling overwhelmed. What can I do? – Priya
Dear Priya,
I’m sorry to hear you’re stressed. What you’re feeling is normal, and many graduates have felt the same way.
You don’t mention why you’re feeling overwhelmed. Is it your rotation? Working night shift? Your workload? Are you being properly supported? Are there personal circumstances contributing to your stress?
It’s important to communicate with someone about your stress. Have you spoken to your graduate coordinator or clinical educator? I can help you with this. Email
The Nursing & Midwifery Health Program Victoria is staffed by nurses and midwives who can support you. Phone 9415 7551 or visit
Don’t let the problem fester, help is here for you.
Student question
I’m in my final year and I will be attending the ACN Expo in April and want advice on what I should be asking health services to help me decide where to apply. – Liam
Dear Liam,
You’re starting in the right place by going to the expo. Health services want graduates who’ve done their research and are prepared.
It’s also about you seeing whether the facility will offer what you’re looking for. Does that hospital offer rotations in the areas of nursing that interest you?
Questions worth asking or considering in your decision-making could include:
- How will you be given guidance, support and supervision?
- What support is given beyond your graduate year?
- What percentage of graduates are offered ongoing employment?
- What shifts will you be working – how much night duty will be expected?
- How many study days are offered during the graduate year?
- What rotations do they offer and how many will you do within your graduate year?
I hope this helps.