Personal care workers do have career paths and can undertake study to become enrolled nurses and registered nurses.
If you successfully complete the diploma of nursing course, and you satisfy the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia registration standards, you can apply for registration as an enrolled nurse.
The diploma of nursing is a minimum 18-month course. You may also find part-time study options.
The course is now free at Victorian TAFEs for eligible students. This is because the Andrews Government has designated the diploma of nursing as a priority course to build our nursing workforce.
To be eligible for a fee-free course you need to enrol in a course that is higher than any qualification you have previously achieved.
We recommend you check specific criteria with your selected higher education provider, as they are likely to have variations in their individual requirements.
Once you successfully graduate with your diploma you may apply for registration as an enrolled nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
Regardless of whether you qualify as an enrolled nurse in Australia or overseas you must meet the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s registration standards, including the English language standard which changes from 1 March 2019.
This means you must be able to demonstrate five continuous years of secondary and vocational education in one of seven recognised countries. These are United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland and South Africa. Otherwise you must demonstrate minimum scores in English language tests.
Under the law which governs registration, nurses and midwives must not practise unless they hold appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements. All fully financial ANMF members*, including personal care workers and enrolled nurses, receive professional indemnity insurance including $10 million protection for a negligent act and coverage for legal expenses.
There will be opportunities to apply for a place in the new statewide enrolled nurse graduate program starting this year as part of the Andrews Government’s $50 million workforce development fund.
If you decide on post registration study you may be eligible to apply for financial assistance via the ANMF (Vic Branch) fee grants for courses such as the advanced diploma of nursing and the diploma of alcohol and other drugs.
Studying the bachelor of nursing or midwifery to become a registered nurse is another option if you successfully complete the diploma of nursing.
* Conditions apply.