If you’re a RUSON/RUSOM and obtain your registration prior to your graduate program starting, you’ll be able to remain in your role during the interim period but paid at a higher level.
The Victorian Department of Health has confirmed to ANMF that RUSONs/RUSOMs who obtain their nursing or midwifery NMBA registration prior to commencing their graduate program will be paid as a Grade 2 Year 1 YP2 or Y01 under the public sector enterprise agreement (Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) (Single Interest Employers) Enterprise Agreement 2020-2024). This means any accruals such as personal or annual leave balances will rollover into your graduate nurse/midwife employment contract.
However, you will continue to work under the RUSON/RUSOM position description (including duties and exclusions list). Your registered nurse/registered midwife scope of practice will apply once you commence your graduate program.
Registered RUSON/RUSOMs who begin graduate programs in the mid-year intake will also have access to additional professional development and support prior your graduate program commencing.
To access graduate level pay, you will need to submit proof of registration to your employer. Your first pay will then become your anniversary date for calculating your ‘year of experience’ and associated pay increases. It’s important you keep your first payslip as it will be evidence of your anniversary date.
There are currently over 50 RUSON/RUSOM programs throughout Victoria. Prior to the pandemic, there were six health services who implemented the model.