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Have your local council candidates signed the integrity pledge?

Have your local council candidates signed the integrity pledge?

It makes a difference who you vote for in the current council elections.

Elected councillors make decisions that are important to your local community.

Their decisions also make a real difference to the working lives of hundreds of ANMF members who work in maternal and child health services, local government-run residential and in-home aged care services and other community services.

The Australian Services Union has asked every local government candidate to sign a pledge to act with integrity, act for a better standard of living for working people, work to preserve public services, and stand up for secure jobs and good wages.

The pledge also asks candidates to act in the best interest of their community, and the best interest of vulnerable communities. This pledge is a commitment to communities and workers, and you can view it here.

ANMF (Vic Branch) encourages you to consider voting for a candidate who has signed the ASU integrity pledge.

Find the candidates in your area who have signed the pledge.

Voting is compulsory in the local council postal election. Postal ballots must be posted in the reply-paid envelope before 6pm, Friday 23 October.
