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Free and unlimited online CPD modules: improved member benefit

Free and unlimited online CPD modules: improved member benefit

Since the ANMF (Vic Branch) Education Centre launched the new Education Portal in November 2022, it has proved extremely popular, with around 4,000 modules completed each month.

The Education Portal gives ANMF members access to more than 200 online modules and hundreds of continuing professional development (CPD) hours in a wide range of topics suitable for nurses, midwives and personal care workers.

These online modules are provided for self-directed learning: they are designed to be completed at home, at the time of your choice and at your own pace. Significantly, from Monday 3 July 2023, all the modules are free and unlimited for all fully financial members.

Since the launch of the Education Portal on 29 November 2022, we have seen over 12,000 members use the site for the first time and 24,000 modules have been completed (with 9,000 still in progress). Feedback from members so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

The most popular categories so far have been:

Meanwhile, the top 10 modules (by completion) are:

  1. Acute management of minor burns
  2. Aseptic technique
  3. Bladder scanning to measure urine volume
  4. Constipation: Assessment and management in adults
  5. Age-related diseases
  6. Basic wound management
  7. Acute tachyarrhythmias: Emergency nursing management
  8. Recognising and responding to acute deterioration in adult patients
  9. Hypertension: Back to basics
  10. Cardiology: An introduction to cardiac assessment.

The modules are developed by experts in their field, and they are regularly reviewed and updated as required. Among the modules that have recently been updated with new content are:

If you have a query relating to the CPD modules on the Education Portal, please contact our Education Centre via
