Forensicare employees have overwhelmingly voted to support the 2020-24 Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement.
Of those who voted, 95.47 per cent voted in favour of the EBA.
The electronic ballot, conducted by Elections Australia, closed at 3pm, Tuesday 23 August 2022.
What happens next?
The Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association will now make an application for approval of the Agreement to the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The Agreement will become legally enforceable seven days after FWC approval.
This new Agreement, when approved by FWC, reflects significant gains with respect to parental leave, dispute resolution, workload management, retention and recruitment processes, occupational health and safety and many other member claims.
Additional EFT of nurses has been agreed to as per ANMF’s claim to employ additional nurses to work in mental health settings in prisons.
Importantly, the wages outcome and nurse alignment payment will ensure that Forensicare nurses maintain parity with your counterparts in public sector mental health and general nursing.
We are pleased that work towards legislating staffing profiles in mental health will commence with the mapping of all services as per the legally binding memorandum of understanding signed by all parties.
Important links
For more information about the 2020-24 Forensic agreement read EBA update #16
The proposed 2020-24 Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement
Thank you
It has been a long process to get to this point. ANMF would like to thank all our members who have been involved since the start. Putting forward resolutions at our annual delegates conference, raising issues in your workplace and advocating for improvements to your current conditions and wages.
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