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EN to RN pay rates

EN to RN pay rates

If you are an enrolled nurse studying to become a registered nurse, you will need to know your pay entitlements for your graduate year.

What about my previous experience as an enrolled nurse?

If you were employed as an enrolled nurse immediately before starting your graduate year, you may be entitled to a different pay rate.

The public sector agreements (known as the Nurses and Midwives (Victorian Public Sector) (Single Interest Employers) Enterprise Agreement 2020 -2024 and Victorian Public Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement 2020 -2024) and some private hospitals ensure that enrolled nurses commencing their graduate year will progress to the Grade 2 increment immediately above the rate of pay they received as an enrolled nurse.

The ANMF has put this in place to ensure that enrolled nurses who subsequently graduate as registered nurses or midwives do not face a wage cut once they start their graduate year.

Where can I find my agreement?

Members can find their enterprise agreement when they log into the Member Portal to compare pay with your last role as an enrolled nurse.

Need assistance?

If you need more information or clarification, check our online frequently asked questions or fill out a member inquiry form.
